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Updated 07.10.2014

Pakej Cloth Diaper (Lampin Kain Moden) Termurah - Penjimatan hingga RM35 setiap pakej..

>> Monday, February 28, 2011


Ku ingin memanjangkan tempoh pakej ini memandangkan ada dikalangan pelanggan yang tidak sempat nak grab kerana tempoh agak singkat...daku pasti, ada ibu-ibu yg ingin mencuba Cloth Diapering nie..atau mummy2 yg ingin menambah koleksi cloth diaper baby anda..apa kata anda cuba Pakej terkini yg daku tawarkan..semua brand cloth diaper yg dijual adalah One Size Pocket.

Pakej MOS Jimat - Nikmati penjimatan dari RM11 - RM35..berbaloi2...

Pakej Percubaan 1 - New Born Baby (Cutting kecik - 3kg - 13kg)
1pcs Babyland (Plain/Printed) with 2 insert - N.P - RM26
1pcs RainbowBB (Velcro) with 2 insert - N.P - RM28
1pcs Sunnybaby Printed (Button/Velcro) with 2 insert - N.P - RM30
Pos by Kangaroo RM7 (E.M), Pos Ekspress - RM7/ Poslaju - RM8.50 (W.M)
Total - RM91 / RM92.50
(MOS Price - RM80 Save RM11)

Pakej Percubaan 2 - New Born Baby (Cutting Besar - 3kg - 13 up to 15kg)
1pcs Coolababy Velcro  with 2 insert - N.P - RM29
1pcs Sunnybaby Minky Velcro with 2 insert - N.P - RM33
1pcs Babyland Printed Velcro with 2 insert - N.P - RM26

Pos by Airpak RM7 (E.M), Pos Ekspress - RM7/ Poslaju - RM8.50 (W.M)
Total - RM95 / RM96.5
(MOS Price - RM80 Save RM15)

Pakej 1 - 5pcs Cloth Diaper Snap Button (Utk Cutting Kecil - 3 - 13 up to 15kg)
1pcs Coolababy Snap Button with 2 insert - RM26
1pcs Colababy Color Button with Leakguard - 2 insert - RM33
1pcs Sunnybaby Minky Button 2 insert - RM33
1pcs Sunnybaby Printed Button 2 insert - RM33
1pcs Babyland Printed Button 2 insert - RM26
Pos by Airpak RM10 /  Poslaju RM12
Total - RM161 EM/ RM163WM
(MOS Price - RM140 EM / RM142 WM Save RM21)

Pakej 2 - 5pcs Cloth Diaper Mix Button/Velcro (Utk Cutting Kecil - 3 - 13 up to 15kg)
1pcs Coolababy Velcro with 2 insert - RM29
1pcs Colababy Color Button with Leakguard - 2 insert - RM33
1pcs Sunnybaby Minky Velcro 2 insert - RM33
1pcs Sunnybaby Printed Button 2 insert - RM33
1pcs Babyland Printed Button 2 insert - RM26
Pos by Airpak RM10 /  Poslaju RM12
Total - RM164 EM/ RM166WM
(MOS Price - RM142 EM / RM145 WM Save RM21)

Pakej 3 - 5pcs Cloth Diaper Snap Button (Utk Cutting Besar - 3 - 15 up to 20kg)
1pcs Coolababy Snap Button with 2 insert - RM26
1pcs Colababy Color Button with Leakguard - 2 insert - RM33
1pcs Coolababy Printed with Leakguard 2 insert - RM35
2pcs  Coolababy Printed Bamboo Pull Up Pant with 2 insert - RM78
Pos by Airpak RM10 /  Poslaju RM12
Total - RM182 EM/ RM185WM
(MOS Price - RM160 EM / RM163 WM Save RM22)

Pakej 4 - 10pcs Cloth Diaper Mix Button/Velcro (Utk Cutting Kecil - 3 - 13 up to 15kg)
2pcs Coolababy Velcro with 2 insert - RM58
2pcs Colababy Bamboo Color Button with Leakguard - 2 insert - RM64
2pcs Sunnybaby Minky Velcro 2 insert - RM64
2pcs Sunnybaby Printed Button 2 insert - RM64
2pcs Babyland Printed Button 2 insert - RM52
Pos by Airpak RM10 /  Poslaju RM23
Total - RM312 EM/ RM325WM
(MOS Price - RM280 EM / RM290 WM (Save RM32-RM35)

Pakej 5 - 10pcs Cloth Diaper Snap Mix/Button (Utk Cutting Besar - 3 - 15 up to 20kg)
2pcs Coolababy Snap Button with 2 insert - RM52
2pcs Colababy Bamboo Color Button with Leakguard - 2 insert - RM64
2pcs Coolababy Printed with Leakguard 2 insert - RM64
2pcs Coolababy Printed Bamboo Pull Up Pant with 2 insert - RM78
2pcs Happyflute XXL Plain with 2 insert - RM74
Pos by AirpakRM10 /  Poslaju RM23
Total - RM342 EM/ RM355WM
(MOS Price - RM310 EM / RM320 WM Save RM32-35)

Berminat? Isi borang di skrin bawah atau email ke atau sms/whatsapp/wechat/line/viber  ke 0142544864 utk balasan pantas. 

updated 19.6.2013

Little Doodlez Pull Up Pant 2 in 1 (CD n Training Pant) - Suit for baby or toddler 8kg above..

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

This is our new affordable Pull Up Cloth Diaper. 
They are comfortable, convenience and easy to use. 
For every one set of pull up cd, you will get two pieces of microfiber insert.

The LittleDoodlez Pants have 2rows of button to adjust the size from M to XL.
This pocket training pants suitable for baby or toddler weight 8kgs.
It will be a perfect training pants or cloth diaper for the active toddler.

There are 15 available patterns you can choose.

Soon The Little Doodlez will introduce the superb and very absorbant soaker/insert name SuperDoodlez.
It will be the greatest invention for the diaper making.
It can soak and hold more urine than the microfiber insert.

OUT OF STOCK - 15.10.11
MOS PRICE - RM39.90/pc for 3pcs above

Retail Price RM49.90 

New & Latest Innovation on Cloth Diaper. Can be use as a training pants. 


Price excluded post..please add RM4(1pcs), RM6 (2-3pcs), RM7 (4-5pcs), RM10 (10pcs-30pcs) Kangaroo Worlwide Service (1-2day delivery within S.Malaysia exclude Felda/Outcircut Area)
For Felda/Outcircut Area - RM6 (1-2pcs), RM8.50 (3-4pcs), RM12 (5pcs) - Poslaju

For Sabah/Sarawak/Labuan - RM8.50 (1-2pcs), RM10 (3-4pcs), RM15 (5-6pcs) - Air Eparcel

Dptkan Diskaun 10% Sempena Besday My Lil Qis dari 2.2.11 hingga 6.2.11

>> Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Lil Qis ...hari nie dia genap 2 tahun...

Daku nak wat besday promo tuk semua item dalam blog ni.

Dptkan diskaun 10% bagi setiap pembelian di Blog ini...

Promosi tamat jam 12 tengahmalam 6.2.11 nanti...

Berminat tuk grab???Just sms ke 012-5111481 ... Penghantaran akan dibuat pada hari Isnin nanti memandangkan semua courier bercuti Tahun Baru Cina..

Diskaun 10% ini termasuk item dalam tempoh promosi...

Cepat! Cepat! Cepat!...dptkan potongan harga menarik ini hari ini...

- Promosi tamat -

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